This refers to the customer's credit status. This status will display in the Sales Order, Customer Ledger, and Cash Receipts Posting screens.
Active/Good - allows for the entry of Sales Orders, quotes, and payments.
Watch - all orders will be placed on Credit Hold, regardless of their credit limit or open number of invoice days.
C.O.D. - prints "C.O.D." in bold letters in the heading of Sales Orders and Shipment Confirmations. Also prints the C.O.D. amount to collect on the Truck Manifest.
Legal - prevents entry of Sales Orders and Price Quotes. Payments can still be accepted through Cash Receipts Posting.
Hold - allows for the entry of Price Quotes, but not Sales Orders. Payments can still be accepted through Cash Receipts Posting.
Cash in Advance - all orders will be placed on Credit Hold, regardless of their credit limit or open number of invoice days. Prints "P.I.A." in bold letters in the heading of Sales Orders and Shipment Confirmations.
Inactive - prevents entry of Sales Orders and Price Quotes. Payments can still be accepted through Cash Receipts Posting.
Credit Card - prints "Credit Card" in bold letters in the heading of Sales Orders and Shipment Confirmations. |