1.Click the New button in the bottom toolbar. This will open a new mail window.
3. Click on the button. The "Mail Users" window (shown to the right) will open. Select all of the users that you want to receive your mail message by placing a check mark in the Select column to the left of their name. Once you have selected all of the recipients, click the OK button. You will see their user initials appear to the right of the button.
4. Enter a subject for your message in the field. This will appear in the user's inbox as the title of the message.
5. Click in the large empty window below the field and enter your message. When you have finished typing your message, you can use the button at the bottom of the window to check for spelling errors. If this is an urgent message, you can place a check mark in the box next to the icon. This will signal to the recipients that the message should be opened right away.