Create a Major Buy Line

Create a Major Buy Line

Once you have created the major buy line you can assign buy lines to it through the Buy Line screen.

1.Select File > Product > Major Buy Line.

2.Click the New button in the bottom right corner.

3.Enter a reference code for the major buy line in the Major Buy Line field and press Tab. This code can be up to 10 characters long, and should only contain letters and/or numbers. Do not include special characters, such as quotation marks, dashes, or slashes. If you enter a code that is already assigned to a major buy line, the system will display information pertaining to the existing major buy line.

4.Enter a description of the major buy line in the Description field and press Tab.

5.Click the Save button in the bottom right corner to save the major buy line to the system. You may now assign buy lines to the major buy line through the Buy Line screen. An example of a completed entry is shown below.

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