FAQ: Can I Email a Customer from inform? |
To email a customer from inform follow the easy steps below. In order to send the email, the contact must have a contact file, with a valid email address entered. Customer and Vendor contacts can be emailed from their respective contact file entries through the Customer or Vendor Master, and the Customer or Vendor Ledger, in addition to the option explained below.
1.On the left side of the main calendar screen, enter all or part of the customer (or vendor) contact's name into the Contact field and press Tab.
2.Select the correct contact from the search window. This will open the contact file. Verify that the email address listed is the correct address.
3.Click the Send E-mail button. This will open the email window, where you can enter your email to the customer. (If you receive an error message stating that your SMTP settings have not been set up in the Company File, you will need to set these in the Company Master, under the SMTP Server Information tab.) For more information regarding email HTML composition options, including using templates, see the HTML Email Features page.
4.When you have finished composing your email, click the Send button to send it to the customer. |