Frequently Asked Questions

Click on any of the following Frequently Asked Questions for detailed answers. For more complex questions involving system setup or the alteration of system default settings, we ask that you consult a DDI Customer Care representative, as these changes may affect multiple system areas. Call (203) 364-1200 or email for assistance.



How do I issue a Customer Credit?


How do I issue a Tax Credit?


How do I pay a Vendor's Invoice with a Credit Card?


How do I print a Trial Balance?


How do I refund a Customer's deposit?


General Ledger Troubleshooting





How do I perform an inventory cycle count?


How do the cost and price fields in the Product Master work?




How do I process a Vendor Return?


How is the Reorder Point calculated?





How do I add/remove a Customer from a Price Contract?


Can I print a report of all my Price Contracts?





How do I run a 1099 report for my Vendors?


How do I print a report of my customers/vendors/products?


How do I print a Sales Tax Journal?





Can I email a customer from inform?


How do I create HTML templates for my emails?


How do I print Customer Order Forms?