Delete a Recurring Payment

To delete a recurring payment follow the easy steps below. If you only want to make changes to the payment, follow the instructions through to step 5, but do not click the Delete button.

1.Select Accounting > Accounts Payable > Invoice Entry.

2.Select "Recurring" from the Invoice Type drop down menu in the upper right corner of the screen.

3. Enter the name of the vendor whose recurring payment you would like to delete in the Pay To Vendor field and press Tab. You can also use the to search for the correct vendor.

4. Now, enter the reference number for the invoice in the Invoice Number field and press Tab. You can also use the to search through open invoices for this vendor.

5. Click the Edit button in the bottom toolbar, then click the Delete button. A window will pop up asking if you are sure you want to delete the recurring payment. Click the Yes button in this window to delete the recurring payment.

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