Loaded Cost: Updating Prices - Product Import

To import products follow the easy steps below. Before importing the product, be sure that it meets all of the necessary requirements listed on the Product Import page.


1.First, open the manufacturer's product file in a spreadsheet. To do this, open Microsoft Excel and click on File in the main menu bar. Then select Open from the drop down menu. Locate the product file on your computer, click once on the file name to select it, then click the OK button. This will open the file in a spreadsheet.


2.Now add a Product Line column to the spreadsheet to identify the Product Line Code that the product(s) should be listed under. You can do this by clicking an empty column and entering the appropriate information, or by clicking Insert in the main menu bar and then clicking Columns to insert a new column. We recommend that you print the first page of the spreadsheet to assist in identifying the column order.


3.After making the necessary changes, save the spreadsheet as a .csv file to an easy to find location on your server's hard drive. To do this, click File in the main menu bar, then click Save As... in the drop down menu. The Save in field at the top of the pop-up window will tell you where you are saving the file. Make sure that this is an easy to find location on your server's hard drive, and not a space on your PC. Then, in the Save as type field at the bottom of the window, use the drop down menu to select the CSV (Comma Delimited)(*.csv) option. Finally, name the file and click the Save button. Once the file is saved, exit the spreadsheet.

4.Now switch to Inform. From the main menu screen, select File from the main menu bar, then Product from the drop down menu, and finally select Product Import from the slide out menu.


5.Enter the full file path name in the File Name field and press Tab. You can also use the to search for the correct file.

Note: If you are having trouble finding the file, be sure that you have saved it as a .csv file. The system will only recognize and import files saved in this format. Also, be sure that you have fully exited the spreadsheet file before trying to import or you will receive a message that the file is already in use by another application. If this occurs, quit the spreadsheet and try to import the file again.


6. Next, verify that the information is arranged correctly in the window. The window will display the column, field name, and sample import data. Be sure that the product field names match the product data being imported.


7. You will notice that to the right of the data window you have several options for your product import. Click on any field shown to the right for more information.


8. When you have finished selecting all of your product import options and verifying the information, click the OK button in the bottom toolbar to import the product spreadsheet.

Note: It is very important that you verify that the field name matches the import data in the data window. If there is an error, you will be importing bad data into your system.


9. When the product import has been completed, the system will display the number of processed products, updated products, and added products.

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