Stock Receipts: Third Party Freight

Third Party Freight can be entered at the time of receiving to factor the freight cost into the C3 Landed Cost of the products. This will only be reflected in the cost if your system is set to update the landed cost before the A/P invoice is received. You can check this setting in your Company Master > Pricing/Costing tab > Update Landed Cost in P/O Receipts w/o A/P Invoice (Y)es/(N)o. If this is set to "N" the C3 Landed Cost will not update to reflect the Third Party Freight until the A/P Invoice for the receiving is entered.


Third Party Freight is the only part of the receiving that can be changed after it is invoiced to Accounts Payable. Third Party Freight can only be entered if there is a quantity received. If no quantity is received, the system will warn you that the freight amount entered will be cleared upon saving.


To add Third Party Freight

1.Click on the Third Party Freight tab. This can be done before or after entering the received quantities under the Receiving tab.

2.Enter a description for the freight charge in the Description field and press Tab. Your system initials and the current date will be entered into the corresponding fields to the right. These fields cannot be changed.

3.Enter the dollar amount of the freight charge in the Amount field and press Tab. Another blank row will appear below for you to enter any additional third party freight charges. If you need to remove a charge, click the red "x" button to the right of the row. An example is shown below.

4.When you have entered all of the necessary charges, click the Save button in the bottom toolbar to save the receiving.

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