Customer Master: Ship To

The Ship To tab displays all of your customer's shipping locations. Each location is assigned a Ship To Number as a reference. A "SAME" entry will automatically be entered when the master file is created using the billing address entered for the customer. The name field of the "SAME" ship to cannot be edited. All other fields may be changed. By default, this will be the primary Ship To location and all Sales Order for the customer will display this as the default. If Sales Orders should default to an alternate Ship To location, this can be set under the Setup tab, under the General tab in the Ship To field on the left side of the window. See the Setup General page for more information.

Ship To locations may also be added during Sales Order entry, by clicking on the Manual button to the right of the Ship To drop down menu.


Export Ship To Information

Ship To information can be exported by right-clicking on the screen and selecting Export As from the menu. Information can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or to a PDF.


Enter a Ship To location

1.Click the Add Ship To button below the window and the New Ship To window will open.

2.The system will automatically assign the next available Ship To Number to your new location. Fill in the relevant shipping information. Click any field in the example shown below for more help entering the correct information. Note that each ship to location may have a different customer category (which will effect the location's pricing) and a different tax code from the original customer record. If these fields are left blank, the information set in the Customer Master will be used as the default.



3.When you have completed your entry, click the Save button at the bottom right corner of the window to save your entry to the master file.

Additionally, you may assign this location to a scheduled truck route by clicking the Truck Routes button at the bottom of the window. This will designate deliveries for the location to a specific truck route and assign a specific stop number. For more information regarding truck routes, click the