Enter a Price Formula

To enter a price formula into the purchasing matrix, follow the easy steps below. Note that these instructions apply to a basic price formula entry. For more information regarding additional entry options, see the Additional Options page, or click on one of the scenarios on the Purchasing Matrix page.


1.Starting from the main screen, select Purchasing > Purchasing Matrix.


2.Now you must choose the purchasing combination for the price formula. This combination determines when the formula will be used to calculate the price for a product.There are five variables that you may use to set up your pricing combination.

For this example, we will be using a Product Line (Dispensers) and a Vendor (Saalfeld Redistribution). This means that the formula will be used when you purchase a product from the Dispensers product line from Saalfeld Redistribution.


To set this combination, first click in the Product Line field, enter the reference code for the appropriate product line, and then press Tab, or use the to search for the correct code. The name of the product line will appear to the right of the code. Then, click in the Vendor field, enter the reference code for the appropriate vendor, and then press Tab, or use the to search for the correct code. The vendor's information will appear in the space below the Vendor field.


3.Once you have selected the product line and vendor, click the Search button. The system will now display a list of all of the available and existing pricing combinations for Dispensers and Saalfeld Redistribution. Combinations displayed in blue are available combinations; they do not have any current price formulas entered. Combinations displayed in green are existing combinations; they have at least one current price formula entered, although you may edit the formula or add additional formulas for the combination.


4.Select the "Vend:(HPC) Saalfeld Redistribution & PrdLn:(D1) Dispensers" combination by double-clicking on the description. You can also click once on the combination and then click the Inquire button at the bottom of the screen. This will open the Purchasing Matrix Entry window.


5.Click the Edit button in the bottom toolbar of the Purchasing Matrix Entry window to open the combination for editing. If this is the first entry for the combination, a "New Record" flag will appear above the formula entry window. If there is an existing entry, the flag will read "Edit Mode" and a blank formula entry will be inserted below the existing entry.


6. Now let's walk through the steps to enter the new price formula. For this example, we will pay 10% less than the cost price. If this is the first formula for the combination, the quantity in the far left cell will automatically be entered as 1, for the price of an individual product. If you would like to make an entry for a different quantity, you must first enter a formula for a single product. In this example, we are entering the price formula for a single product so we will be using this entry bar.


7. First you must choose the price that formula will be based upon from the C/L/N drop down menu. Options beginning with a "C" denote a cost price, while options beginning with an "L" denote a list price. These price settings are listed in the Company Master section under the Pricing/Costing tab. Typically, the C1 is set to represent the standard cost for the product, so we will choose that for our formula. Select it from the drop down menu and then press Tab.


8. This will bring you to the %/$ field. Your entry in this field will apply to the amount that you enter two fields to the right; it will tell the system to view this amount as a percentage or as a dollar amount. In this case, we want to subtract a percentage of the cost, so we want to enter a "%" in this field. Type a "%" and then press Tab.


9. Now the system will bring you to the -/+ field. Your entry in this field determines if the dollar amount or percentage that you enter will be added to or subtracted from the base price. For this example we want to subtract 10% from the base price, so we want to enter a "-" here. Type a "-" and then press Tab.

10.This will bring you to the Amount field. This is the percentage or dollar amount that will be added to or subtracted from the list price. In this example, we want to subtract 10 percent, so we will enter a "10" in this field. Note that for percentages you do not need to enter the decimal equivalent. Type "10" and then press Tab. Below is an example of what your price formula should look like when it is completed.

11.Click the Save button in the bottom toolbar of the Purchasing Matrix Entry window to save the new formula to the Purchasing Matrix. The formula will become effective immediately, unless you have specified a different effective date. For more information regarding additional scenarios, see the Purchasing Matrix page.

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