Price Change by Formula |
The Price Change by Formula screen allows you to update a cost or price field for a selected group of products. This method should be used when you have a group of products that needs to be changed by a set percentage. Use the Selection Criteria window to select the products you want to include, then choose the field you want to update, and the percentage that field should increase or decrease. The change can be set to update immediately, or to take effect at a later date. To create a price change by formula follow the easy steps below. Be sure that you select the correct products and price fields, as this process is not reversible. To explain this process, we'll use an example: the vendor "Absolute" has notified you that your cost for all of its products will be increasing by 10%, effective December 1, 2008.
1.Starting from the main screen, select Sales > Pricing > Price Change by Formula.
2.The Selection Criteria window will pop up. Use the options in this window to select the appropriate group of products for your price change update. For more information regarding selection criteria options, see the Selection Criteria page. Once you have entered the necessary criteria, click the OK button. For this example, we've selected all products assigned to the "Absolute" vendor.