
Inform provides a flexible framework for your pricing structure. Frequently, we convert the pricing structure already in place from your previous system, requiring little user set-up. This means that your pricing structure is unique to your company. Typically, a Jansan or Paper distributor is more likely to rely on margin or Sales History-based pricing, while a Plumbing or Electrical distributor is more likely to use a price matrix. Click one of the buttons below for more detailed pricing explanations.



Different aspects of the inform pricing framework are explained below. Additionally, you may click on a pricing scenario in the Price Matrix Master for information that may be more pertinent to your company. Click on a section of the pricing menu to the left for information regarding a specific area of the pricing framework, however, we recommend that you start with The Basics.


Common Functions

Enter a Price Formula

Handling Loaded or Burdened Costs

Create a Price Contract

Using Item-Group Pricing in a Sales Order

Change Prices

Create a Price Rollup Schedule