Re-Index Vendor Rebates

Re-indexing your Vendor Rebates allows you to apply the current rebate costs to orders entered in a specific period. For example, if you had an incorrect rebate cost entered for last month, you could enter the correct cost into the contract through the Price Contract screen, and then run the re-index to change the rebate cost on any eligible invoices. Once the re-index has run, it will print a report of all of the invoices that were changed as a result. You can then run a Vendor Rebate Report for the period to calculate your new rebate amounts.


If you are using your Invoice Cost to post to the General Ledger, do NOT re-index your rebates as this will affect the amounts that have already posted to the General Ledger.

In the Company Master, you may need to set the "Rebate Re-Index Affects Invoice Cost (Y)es/(N)o" field to N so that this cost does not change. Please contact DDI Customer Care before making this change to discuss the effects.


To re-index Vendor Rebates follow the easy steps below. This process should be run only after changing the rebate costs for your price contract(s) in the Price Contract screen. You can run the re-index for a specific contract, or for all contracts.


1.Select Sales > Vendor Rebates > Vendor Cost Contract Rebates > Re-Index Vendor Rebates.

2.Enter the accounting period that you would like the re-index to affect in the Period field, using the MMYY format. Only invoices posted during this period will be affected.

3.Enter the price contract that you would like to re-index in the Price Contract field. If you leave this field blank, all contracts will be re-indexed for the selected period.

4.Click the Report button in the bottom right corner for a list of the invoices that will be affected by the re-index.

5.Click the Update button in the lower right corner to re-index the rebates. Once the re-index is complete, a printer window will pop-up allowing you to print or view a report of all of the invoices that were affected by the re-index (shown below). If this window does not pop-up, it means that no invoices were affected by the re-index.

6.Once you have re-indexed, click the Report button in the bottom right corner for a report of all of the invoices that were affected.

After you have re-indexed your rebates, you can re-print your Vendor Rebate Report for the period.

Price Contract


Vendor Rebate Import


Vendor Rebate Report