Create a Customer Category

Create a Customer Category

Once you have created the category, you may assign customers to it through the General tab in the Customer Master screen.

1.Select File > Customer > Category.

2.Click the New button in the bottom right corner.

3.Enter a reference number for the category in the Customer Category field and press Tab. This should be a brief code for the category and should not contain any special characters (ex. !@#$%^&*") or punctuation.

4.Enter a description for the category in the Description field.

5.Click the Save button in the bottom right corner to save the category to the system. You may now assign customers to the category through the Customer Master screen or by using Customer Mass Change.

6.If there are existing Price Contracts that should apply to customers who are assigned to this category, they can be added by editing the Customer Category after it has been saved. See the Edit a Customer Category page for more information.

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