Invoice Inquiry

The Invoice Inquiry screen allows you to view invoice details, void invoices, and print or send the invoice to the customer. You will need the invoice number in order to perform any of these tasks. If you do not know the invoice number, you can use the Customer Ledger or Sales Order Inquiry screens to find the appropriate number.


Enter the invoice number in the Invoice Number field and press Tab to bring up the invoice information. The Order Number field will display the Sales Order number that is linked to the invoice. Click on the number to open the Sales Order. The Shipment Cycle to the right indicates which shipment the invoice pertains to; the first shipment will read 00, with each successive shipment numbered chronologically.


You can make changes to several fields without needing to void and re-bill the invoice. Click the Change an Invoice link below for more information.


Make an Invoice Inquiry

Change an Invoice

Void an Invoice



Sales Reports