Non Vendor Check

Non vendor checks may be used for Accounts Payable transactions that do not apply to a specific vendor invoice. For example, they may be payroll checks for your employees, miscellaneous bills, or refunds issued to customers.

Refunding a Customer Deposit

Printing a Credit Check for a Customer

To enter a non vendor check follow the easy steps below. The Non Vendor Check screen should only be used when the check is not being issued to a vendor that is entered in your system.

1.Select Accounting > Accounts Payable > Non Vendor Check.

2.Enter the name and mailing address of the business or individual to whom the payment is being sent. If you are unsure of the name, click the to the right of the name field to search your non vendors.

3.Enter the amount to be paid in the Amount field.

4.Enter the date of the invoice in the Date field.

5.If there is a discount to be applied, enter the amount in the Discount Amt field and enter the discount date in the Discount Date field below it.

6. Enter the date that the payment is due in the Due Date field. The system will automatically calculate the Net Amount Due.

7. Enter the effective check date in the Check Date field.

8. Now you must enter information pertaining to your General Ledger Account in the window (shown on the right) on the right side of your screen.You may enter the G/L Account Number manually, or click the to search for the correct number and description for your check. If you have multiple branches, be sure to include the branch G/L suffix. Then, enter the number in the Net Amount Due field on the left into the G/L Amount field. Click the to the right of the fields to clear the information entered.

9. Now you have the option of writing out the check by hand or having the system print a check for you.

 To have the system print a check for you, click the Print Check button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

 To write out the check by hand, click the Hand Check Entry button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

The sample screen shown below is an example of a refund issued to a customer. Click on any of the fields in the Non Vendor Check screen below for more information.

Accounts Payable Reports


Schedule Checks


Print Checks


Void Checks