Sales Order: Process a Credit Card Cash Sale |
To enter a cash sale for a credit card follow the easy steps below. Note that these instructions begin after all products and customer information has been entered for the sales order. For instruction regarding those aspects of sales order entry, see the enter a sales order instructions and follow the cash sale link when you come to the end. Note: The system will only prompt you for detailed credit card information if you are using a merchant processor that is integrated with Inform (ICVerify or Authorize.Net). If you are using a separate swipe pad to charge the credit card, you will only be asked to enter the type of card in this screen.
Note: If the customer has previously used a credit card, you can click the
5. You can then capture your customer's signature for the payment (if you have a signature capture pad attached to your computer) by clicking on the Signature tab, then clicking the Sign button. Have the customer sign the signature pad, then enter their name into the Signed By field. The signature will be saved to the Sales Order. If you do not require a signature, skip to step 6.
6. Now, click the Save button in the bottom toolbar to save the Sales Order and payment. Click the P.O.S. Invoice button to print a receipt for the customer. For more information regarding Sales Order signatures, see the Final tab screen. |