Using Source Codes with Marketing Manager |
Source codes allow you to place customers in multiple groups for reporting and marketing purposes. For example, "Denver Trade Show" or "Holiday Card" groups allow you to target specific customers that would otherwise be unrelated. Customers can be assigned to an unlimited number of source codes, but only the first three source code entries can be accessed in Customer Mass Change. For customers with more than three codes, you can manage them under the Sources tab in the Customer Master.
To set up Source codes: •create the Source code through the Source screen. You can add new codes at any time. •assign customers to the Source code using the Customer Master Sources tab or Customer Mass Change.
Once your customers are assigned to the Source code, you can select this code in the Customer Selection Criteria window of the Marketing Manager. An example is shown below. After selecting your customers, continue on to the next step (Exporting the Contact List) to verify that you have selected the correct customers.