Inform Calendar

When you first log in to the system, the main screen will display the Inform Calendar, which you can use to schedule events and tasks, set reminders, and add notes. You can color-code your events by creating and editing Event Types.


There are two options for viewing the calendar: the monthly view, and the weekly view. Viewing options are controlled by the calendar button in the top toolbar. Clicking on it when it displays a "7"  will change it to display the weekly view. Clicking on it when it displays a "31" will change it back to the monthly view.


You can also view and edit calendars for other users by clicking on the user icon (far left in the toolbar). Click on any field in the header shown below for more information, or select a function in the box for detailed instructions.


Adding a Task or Event

Editing a Task or Event

Deleting a Task or Event

Creating an Event Type

Editing an Event Type

Deleting an Event Type

Setting a Reminder for a Task or Event

Syncing Your Calendar

Viewing Events for a Date