Accounts Receivable

The Accounts Receivable section of Inform is designed to help you manage your customer's sales orders, invoices, and cash receipts, as well as general customer information. To access the Accounts Receivable menu, select Accounting > Accounts Receivable, then select the specific area of Accounts Receivable that you want to access.


Click on a section of the Accounts Receivable menu to the left for more specific help information.


The Accounts Receivable information flow is shown below. For more information regarding a specific area, click one of the boxes.

The Order Entry and Invoicing steps are located in the Sales section of Inform. The Cash Receipts Posting step is  located in the Accounts Receivable section of Inform.

Note: As this section of the system deals directly with your company's finances, it may require a higher user access level. If you are having trouble accessing this section of the system, check with your manager to be sure you have the necessary user access level.