Salesman Commissions

The Salesman Commissions menu allows you to set, change, and recalculate the commission percentage that your salesmen make using the Salesman Commissions Matrix and the Recalculate Salesman Commissions options. Commissions can be based on the Gross Profit percentage that the salesman makes on the sale, or on the dollar amount of merchandise that is sold. You can also view Gross Profit and Commissions reports for individual salesmen or comparing all salesmen using the Salesman Commission Statement.


Different aspects of salesman commissions are explained below. Additionally, you may click on a commission scenario in the Salesman Commissions Matrix for information that may be more pertinent to your company. Click on a section of the salesman commissions menu to the left for information regarding a specific area of the pricing framework, however, we recommend that you start with The Basics.


Common Functions

Enter a Salesman Commissions Formula

Edit a Salesman Commissions Formula

Delete a Salesman Commissions Formula

Recalculate Salesman Commissions

Set Sales Order Minimums for a Salesman

Set A/R Past Due Deduction Percentages